Is she a he? Again...

It's too dark to be a red sex-link. They are light red with small splashes of white on them. It's a waiting game for now. Chickens have a wide variety of sounds and calls. Some people have crowing hens too.

This is Dot as of last night.
Thanks for the clarification. Some of us just can't seem to make up our minds but "she" is still doing that cawing thing (trying to crow?) but only in the mornings. So I think you're right. "She" is a Doug LoL

BSL pullet


**another BSL


RIR pullet


Red Sex Link pullet

Just to give you a few ideas...yours looks rooish, that is for certain!
Oh thank you JodyJo! When I compare the 2 that I have to yours, I'd say I have a BSL and a RSL. I was under the impression that I had RIR and Americauna but mine look exactly like younger versions of yours LoL That was very helpful. Thanks

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