is she a ROOSTER????!!! Need to know now!!!

It's not a red sex link. I think a lot of people see a red bird with some white and assume it is a sex link.
Rooster and not a red sex link. The pictures are somewhat blurry, but it almost looks as if he has small muffs and a beard.
nooooooooo! well, maybe i should turn this into a what breed am i thread? since everyone seems to be certain she's a roo... she's supposed to be a red sexlink, even the breeder i got the eggs from said they came out of a pen with only sex links in them... i guees not?

here's a front view of him, my little crossed beaked monster! but he follows me everywhere and i love him, so i guess he's not going anywhere any time soon. on that note, how do you get a rooster to shut up?!?!?!?!

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Ah, that is the key to your questions. Your 'breeder' doesn't know what he/she is talking about if they are trying to breed SLs to get SLs.

SLs are a one-time cross of two purebred birds. It's a manipulation of genetics that does not carry through down the line if bred agian. When you breed a SL to an SL, you get a whooooole lot of mixed genetic hodgepodge that is unpredictable, and the colors will not at all be sex-linked.

I would recommend to never get sex-links anywhere but a hatchery, because it's their specialty, and a lot of 'breeders' don't understand that they are not working with a breed, but rather a one time hybrid.

I'm sorry that this happened to you. He's a beautiful bird, but he is officially a mutt with unpredictable genetics. I wouldn't recommend trying to breed him anyway though, because his deformity can be inherited and lethal within several generations.

Don't buy from that guy/girl again, they're uneducated and producing lethal genes in their lines.
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