Is she a rooster?


6 Years
Apr 2, 2018
Perth, Western Australia
I have two hens that are 20 weeks old and I am hoping that they start laying soon.
My husband swears that today he heard one of them crow. Now I haven't heard it and though she is rather vocal, she's never said anything in my presence that sounds like a cock-a-doodle-doo.
If she does turn out to be a roo wouldn't she continue to crow and not just do it every now and then? I'm really hoping she's not. I would have thought if she was, she would have been at least trying to practice the crow long before now.
Really hoping someone has some intel on this as I will be heartbroken because I'm not allowed to have a rooster where I live.:fl
I’m no expert, but I think she’s a pullet. No pointed saddles that I can see. Should be close to laying age, so you’ll know for sure soon.

I had a similar post when my birds were around the same age. I was sure I heard crowing. All my birds ended up being girls, and I never heard that sound again (until we did have a rooster.) I just decided I was hearing things, or maybe sound carried weird that day and another rooster in the neighborhood crowed and it sounded unusually close. Who knows?
My rooster never crowed before the age of 7 months, so to answer your question, no: the fact that you don't hear other crows may not be significant. Why don't you post some pictures? A lot of people here can help you identify their gender!
Thanks! It's hard to get a close-up but I'll put up a couple of photos that I do have. She is the light coloured one.


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The up-right stance looks a little rooster-ish to me, but I'm not really familiar with crested breeds.

When they first start crowing, it's pretty sporadic. And it takes some time for the them to develop the traditional crowing sound. Mine start out sounding like demented squeaky toys, haha.

Hopefully it's just an alert and talkative lady. ;)
I too hope she is just the chatty type :lol::lol::lol: Thanks for your observations :)
The up-right stance looks a little rooster-ish to me, but I'm not really familiar with crested breeds.

When they first start crowing, it's pretty sporadic. And it takes some time for the them to develop the traditional crowing sound. Mine start out sounding like demented squeaky toys, haha.

Hopefully it's just an alert and talkative lady. ;)
I’m no expert, but I think she’s a pullet. No pointed saddles that I can see. Should be close to laying age, so you’ll know for sure soon.

I had a similar post when my birds were around the same age. I was sure I heard crowing. All my birds ended up being girls, and I never heard that sound again (until we did have a rooster.) I just decided I was hearing things, or maybe sound carried weird that day and another rooster in the neighborhood crowed and it sounded unusually close. Who knows?
Thanks SamCO, for your observations and opinion. I'll just have to hope she lays soon and puts the issue to bed :D
Crested birds show different feathers on their heads. Roos have pointy feathers there too. Basic question: what are they sporting on their heads, a pin cushion or a cotton ball? You have a pretty little pullet.

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