Is she ever going to lay?


10 Years
Jul 2, 2009
I have 3 26 week old girls. My BR and my BO have been laying reliably for weeks, but nothing from my EE.
I just figured I'd complain and maybe I'd find something today. Her comb is getting pretty red.
This time of year it could be molt, darker days or she's just a little slower.
My EE is very erratic laying, every day for a week or two, then nothing for weeks.

Good luck finding something today

We had one EE start at 18 weeks, but she's a big girl. In fact, she's so big we were convinced she was a he straight up to the first egg. Our other EE is the same age as yours and is nowhere near ready. I've heard some people on here say it can take up to 9 months for some EEs. Personally, at the rate she's going it's probably going to be longer.

I feel your pain!
If her comb is getting noticably redder, you'll probably get eggs in the next couple of weeks. They all mature at different rates, though, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Hi, I have a simular problem, I have 32 week old black bantam cochins and one laid for about a week, the other 3 never started and now.... no eggs for the past two weeks. I think my chickens figure out they are pets and we keep them regardless and so they are slackers. LOL
I have 8 chickens and still I have to buy eggs from the neighbors!
Good thing they are cute!!!
My EEs are 26weeks old and they are not red in the face or acting like they are interested in the roo--he pays them no attention! Haven't gotten one egg and the Ameraucanas are 30weeks old no eggs from them either...

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