Is she suffering??


7 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
Our 2 year old Buff Orpington hen recently started molting around the same time I put in a light. I've been turning the light on at the same time every day. I've noticed our hen seems to be acting different. She keeps sleeping in the nesting box at night despite the multiple roosts available for her to choose. She's eating and drinking fine. She does seem a bit lethargic during the day. Her weight is completely fine. I've checked her many times a day but have found nothing. Once a month I put Durvet DuraStat with Oregano in their 5 gallon water and I've been doing this for a few months but I'm sure that's not affecting her. I'm confused.

Is the light making her suffer while she molts??
Anything I can do to help her??

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