Is she too small?


8 Years
Oct 11, 2011
My white leghorn pullet is 22 weeks. I know white leghorns have a slight build, but her pen-mate, a black star, whom is ten weeks younger than her, is much bigger! Why is this? Is it natural? The WL comb is getting bigger or redder...but is she too small to lay? She seems to eat all the time- they all do. Maybe the black star is just big? She's bigger than her hatchmate...
Even the very smallest hens will lay, so I doubt that her size will make any difference. The Black Star is simply a a bigger bird, as far as I can tell from your description.
I have California Whites (a type of leghorn cross) and they are very small in comparison to my BA and BO. Mine do quite well. I did not get eggs from anyone until 26 or more weeks of age.
Now they lay everyday!

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