is smoking near chickens bad

Yes smoking near chickens is bad they might catch fire, and then you could have fried chicken, and what if your not hungry.
considerate smokers make sure they are downwind of anything that might be affected by the smoke .. and they watch where their smoke goes ...

tobacco smoke is NOT the same as wood smoke, believe me; I can sit in campfire wood smoke all night, no problem, but even chancing to smell the clothing worn by someone who was smoking, will make me cough all night ...

yes, I can see why and how, someone would freak out when another was smoking around chickens !

I certainly hope no one would be smoking around eggs to be sold (there are health regs about that !) nor around hatching chickens ...

it's not so much that "we activists" are anti smoking or anti smokers, we just wish others would realize that we can have SEVERE health problems, to the point where some individuals can even DIE from the exposure ...


(who watched one asthmatic do exactly that ... )
So no more silly! now if I am reading this right(ignoring the silliness of course) it would be OK to smoke a pipe or cigar around the chickens, since they do not have a filter. Maybe take up smokeing some HOME ROLLED ciggarettes???
it's not just the filters --- it's tobacco in any smoked form

(don't think it would be wise for chickens to eat spit-out
"chawed" tobacco either)

though I doubt if anyone has run any tests to see if chickens can be allergic to tobacco products ...

Ya, it's a little silly on the surface but serious underneath. On my list of worries
second hand smoke is down on the list at around 237, right beneath bad dog breath.

Oh, I'm an ex smoker too. Quit when my son came along. I still will take a smoke
break with friends. I don't smoke but I sure love the smell and the hanging out

Settin' Pretty has a good point and a good gift of sarcasm.
Do you know statiscally people with fireplaces have the same chances
of lung cancer as smokers??? Not sure how this applies to wood burning
or pellet stoves.

Hey, we are all gonna die someday. That doesn't mean I'm gonna step in
front of a bus.
Those kind are hard to come by.

That is good to know, but last time I took my chickens camping they wouldnt quit throwing feathers into the fire, and it really stunk.
What sybil isn't saying is that she just got out of the hospital after a one week stay with a bad asthma attack. And takes meds and inhalers and a home oxygen machine for her asthma.
It is amazing how children have selective memory
I don't want her friends smoking near my family. I am a bear, my children are my little cubs. He is lucky I didn't put his A. song song between his ears.
Smokers in other countries don't have near the health problems related to smoking that Americans do. What does that tell you about the tobacco here in the states?

Berynn also posted in another thread about this.

there will always be A anti-somthing..!!
Ques it is part of life and freedom.......


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