is smoking near chickens bad

Amen, Wildsky and Settin'_ Pretty!
Let'R rip guys!
It is an extreamly HOT TOPIC for me, because in my mind and if anyone really THOUGHT about it - it is discrimination in its finest form.

You will NEVER EVER hear people talking about other "groups" the way smokers get trashed.... that kind of thing would NOT be tollerated at any level. And yet smokers are bashed by even the government so it must be OK right?

Try talking about "XXXXXX" and how they ALL do the same thing, be it disrepecting another group or whatever and you'd be shut down faster than you can type the next post.

Hey Chell I think I remember in my history books them trying that once. I don't think
it went over too well.

Most smokers I know don't push their habit on anyone, know it's bad for them,
want to quit, and would like people out of their lives.

This is just another issue like global warming. People make a religeon, no a cult,
out of the "movement" against it. It makes them feel better about themselves.

But hey, most os them mean well. I don't think ebonykawai is out to hurt anyone
or take away rights I just think he/she may be stuck in a mindset that doesn't
help the situation. It just polarizes the people involved.

I was a smoker. I hate those darn cancer sticks. I'd love to see you all quit but in
no way do I want to take away your rights to smoke. There are a lot of dangerous
things in life. Rock climbing is dangerous too. Should we tell people they can't do it?

Since I'm rambling, yes the cigarette companies have done some pretty sick stuff
to sell their product. I like the Truth commercials because it strikes a balance (a little).
What's most important to me is to keep my son a non-smoker.

P.S. Any of you smokers are welcome to smoke in my car. Some of my smoking
friends refuse to smoke in my car even though I tell them it's ok. Those blasted
inconsiderate smokers....
I think Ebonykawai might be young - young people are taught to listen and BELIEVE everything they hear. That will be my lesson in life for my kids = Don't believe everything you hear, see or read.

I would hope my kids don't smoke, but its their choice - as in they can chose a partner of their choice, they can chose when they are old enough to do anything they please - I draw the line at criminal activity - or what I would consider criminal not what the government thinks is criminal. I would smack em upside the head if they chose to physically hurt another human. thats all I ask of my kids. (oh and not to put me in a cruddy nursing home!)

I would never smoke in YOUR car PC - I would only smoke in another smokers car, never in a non-smokers car!!!
Even if you TOLD me it was ok - a co-worker told me I could smoke in her car and I refused.
(she didn't think it a big deal, said it would give her hubby something to think about wondering WHO she had in there -
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I also would not smoke in a nonsmokers car or home. I have to much respect for them as nonsmokers to do that, I only wish that people would have as much respect for me as a smoker.
Before anyone starts up again on SMOKERS....
Here is a cut and paste from the rules of the forum:

* No Flaming (verbally attacking people or groups of people - e.g. a profession, an organization, a company.)

I would hope my kids don't smoke, but its their choice

Hey wild, my kids are in their 30s, they don't smoke. I think seeing me struggling to quit several times, may have been a factor in their never starting. At least something good would have come from my attempts at quitting.
PC - cigarette butts are not made of fiberglass.... they're made from Cellulose (obtained from Wood)

Not to be argumentative Wildsky, but no matter what they are made of they cause a lot of harm to wildlife.

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