Is someone yanking my chain??

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Mad Scientist
14 Years
Jun 1, 2008
OK, I got an pm about someone wanting me to ship them some chickens, I don't ship. They then informed me they are now out of the country and will be coming back to the US. They will be coming into the country with 2 chickens and don't have to quarantine them???? as they are bringing them as carry on???? I have never heard of any animal being able to be brought into the country without a quarantine. I would think that it spells disaster. Wouldn't customs not allow this?? So is someone pulling my chain, really, or are they just not informed, or am I the ill informed one here???

With the strict airline regulations, I doubt they will get a chicken on board a plane.
I don't even think they let dogs on the plane as carry on.

I didn't think so, internationally anyway
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No, they didn't ask me to help. They wanted me to ship them some of my birds. It is a member with less than 100 posts and less than a month membership. Since I won't ship they want me to give them contact info for someone with this breed.
This is a bit of the PM

"am taking two birds back with me on the plane from the US(no quarantine,they fly hand luggage getting the best care available"

just rubs me the wrong way......especially since they substituted the from for to

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Doesn't sound like a deal that's going anywhere but wrong!! Maybe it's someone trying to "trap" you into breaking the law. I'd report them to the mods.
I got something like this as well. they did not ask me to ship them birds but said that they wont quarantine them. I don't give any of my birds away with out knowing people and the ones they wanted I wanted to keep. they asked me if I knew anyone else who had these birds.
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