is ther any breed of rooster that is quieter than the others

I'm not saying all Buff Orpington roosters are quiet, but I have to say, mine is remarkably so. Stumpy has avoided becoming Stew because he's so quiet. He crows, but never at night, and only a few times during the day - as a matter of that, I was out there most of the day yesterday and he never uttered a peep. I have heard him, around 7 am, crow once or twice, but that's about it.
you can see my BIG BO rooster. When he crows, I know that.....a neighbor is stnaidng at the fence wanting to chat, my wife is home form work and sitting on the patio, somebody strange is looking at the vacant house next door, etc. I think he attended rooster university.

BTW, I love the humor on this thread.
Lol my dad keeps telling me to take my roo to the vet to get his voice box removed...LOL He never crows in the morning until someone gets up. He such a sweet boy and I would never think of getting to voice box removed.
Hi, Yes, I have an Old English Game Bantam (OEGB) and he's a sweetie. He is sooo quiet you would never even know he's there. He will only crow when I am around, it's wierd. Maybe to show who's boss? (I haven't done much with him yet, since he's in quarantine for another week or so - I play with my other flock so much I didn't want to transfer anything just incase.)

Edited to add: One more thing - I'm not sure how old he is though - his comb and wattles are medium reddish, so he might be a bit young yet. He came with a grey hen that is really pretty. She's quiet too - perhaps they're doing the love dance and that's keeping them busy? LOL??
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