Is there a breed that you’ve had that you would absolutely not have again?

Interesting. There is a lot of hate on Black Australorps where I have found them smart, confident and calm. Perhaps it is the genetic lines they come from. I am in Australia and they are an Australian breed so hopefully they are truer in their breeding.
I really like my black Australorps. They are my best foragers and are low maintenance.
I will never get naked necks again (sometimes called turkens) I had 3 and all of them were the trendiest things! And they were aggressive eaters, they would shove all the others out of the way and eat the food so fast the others couldn't get any! Also they pecked all my emus feathers off and now her back is bald!
I agree with comments posted about Leghorns. They are smart (too smart) and chatty (all day) and curious as all get out. That seems funny/ cunning until they 1) fly over the electric fence and get eaten by a fox 2) find secret and very annoying places to lay their eggs and/ or roost at night 3) encourage other hens to mimic their naughty behaviors. I loved Bianca Castafire for her spunk and personality (always talking to me when I was outside, talked to herself if no one else would listen, was the first into the shed if I opened the door, just NOSY) but in the end it was her undoing. Like smart dogs, they tend to get into trouble. Dumb dogs and dumb chickens are far easier to manage.
I would never have campines again.. they are very mean. They don’t like people no matter what you do. Also I don’t like Wyandottes personally they never let you get near them and snap at you a lot. There are so many good chickens so I really don’t mind it that much.
I was once given an Old English Game Bantam as a day-old chick. I hand raised him with lots of attention and TLC. He turned out to be The Rooster From Hell! He would charge up full speed from behind and attack with a vengeance. If you turned and looked at him, he would jam on the brakes and peck at the ground; once you again turned your back on him it was game on and he was dead serious. Our insurance man came around once and commented on our two Great Danes, asking if they were good watchdogs. We said, "It's not the big dogs you have to worry about. It's that tiny rooster sneaking up behind you that you have to watch out for!" It got so bad that we took to wearing a Halloween face mask backwards on our heads so that he would think we were looking at him. It was the only thing that stopped him; that is, until he roosted in a tree one night and a Great Horned Owl got him.

My very best rooster was a Partridge Rock. He was the sweetest guy. His son, half Partridge Rock and half Dark Cornish and raised from an egg, took over the flock on his father's passing and he turned out to be even bigger and sweeter, excellent watchdog over the hens and always gentle with them.

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