Is there a breed that you’ve had that you would absolutely not have again?



Apr 15, 2020
I have an adoption bunch from Meyers (Easter egger Jersey giant polish etc) and now 2 brahma and 1 lavender Orpington

I’m just curious if there are any breeds that you would stay away from and why

I know for me I wouldn’t raise silkies again just because they need special accommodation (roosts etc) and didn’t seem to be part of the flock.
I once had a wheaten maran that was super aggressive to humans. When he was trying to attack my dad my dad hit him with a pole twice a the rooster kept coming at him. I am not saying to not get a wheaten maran, just probably don't get a rooster. It might of just been my rooster who was aggressive but... just probably don't get a wheaten maran rooster.
I once had a wheaten maran that was super aggressive to humans. When he was trying to attack my dad my dad hit him with a pole twice a the rooster kept coming at him. I am not saying to not get a wheaten maran, just probably don't get a rooster. It might of just been my rooster who was aggressive but... just probably don't get a wheaten maran rooster.
Rooster. Yup. My Lavender Orpington rooster tried that one too many times. I’m a softy. He’s too pretty to cull. I gave him a bachelor pad. My hens are lovey dovey. In your case it’s gender not breed. I have 3 Marans hens. Of all my birds (10 different breeds) these three are the friendliest. They follow me and vie for my attention.
I’ve seen that people love barred Rock. I had 2 that were such bullies I rehomed them. I’ve seen people say Silver Laced Wyandotte are aggressive. I have one. She protected the object of the BR bullies. She avoids me but she’s very friendly with the flock.
Breed can be an indicator of temperament but individuals can go against the norm.
I swore I’d never have any breed with feathered feet. I just didn’t want the problem of wet, muddy, frozen foot feathers. Now my favorites are my Marans.
Now I say “ no silkies”. Fussy care. Low egg production. No thanks.:oops:
Thank you. I love hearing other’s experiences. I had 2 barred rock that were awesome! They actually did not seem at all bothered by anything at all. I’ve never had mark (until my new chicks) so I guess we will see. I didn’t know the feathery feet would be a problem. Ugh
Thank you. I love hearing other’s experiences. I had 2 barred rock that were awesome! They actually did not seem at all bothered by anything at all. I’ve never had mark (until my new chicks) so I guess we will see. I didn’t know the feathery feet would be a problem. Ugh
It’s not as long as you can keep their area dry. Of course my Marans insist on running around in the rain anyway. Lol. I love em, feathered feet n all.
For the feathered feet reason, I'm not that fond of Cochins. They are lovely, sweet, rather stupid birds but they just don't stay clean. Either it's the messy feet or the messy bums. Even as broodies, which they are happy to do, I'm not a big fan as often they are so large and heavy they crush the eggs accidentally, or trample the chicks. Also, they get hot in the summer. I had one literally keel over from heat stroke one hot summer. I had to hose her under her feathers until she came around. We have plenty of shade, but we also have 95 degree summer days with 98% humidity.
Nope. Never had a specific breed that I didn't like. Some roosters tend to be nasty, but that is just a male issue, not a breed issue. I have silver laced wyandottes, barred rocks, delawares, speckled Sussex, orpingtons (buff), jersey giants, red stars, ameraucanas, easter eggers and leghorns. I like them all and they all like me. I have a white jersey giant rooster named Harvey that takes good care of the girls and a young ameraucana/wellsummer mix that is getting along with Harvey just fine. They respect me and will eat from my hand. They are friendly roos and cause no problems. 🤪

harvey with big claws.jpg Fowler: Fowler in March 2020.jpg
For the feathered feet reason, I'm not that fond of Cochins. They are lovely, sweet, rather stupid birds but they just don't stay clean. Either it's the messy feet or the messy bums. Even as broodies, which they are happy to do, I'm not a big fan as often they are so large and heavy they crush the eggs accidentally, or trample the chicks. Also, they get hot in the summer. I had one literally keel over from heat stroke one hot summer. I had to hose her under her feathers until she came around. We have plenty of shade, but we also have 95 degree summer days with 98% humidity.
Now you’ve got me worried. I wish I had asked this question prior to getting chicks! Oh poor chicks! I didn’t realized they were that big. And it gets so humid here I wonder if they will be ok.
It’s not as long as you can keep their area dry. Of course my Marans insist on running around in the rain anyway. Lol. I love em, feathered feet n all.
How on earth would I keep their area dry.

Unless there’s a drought that is

They are in the highest part of the yard and have 400+ square feet of Fort Knox run but it’s still going to get rained in

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