Is there a fertilizer that won't harm ducks?


9 Years
Feb 28, 2013
I want to fertilize our yard this year, I want the nice soft grass. But I think it'd be impossible to keep ducks from eating the grass right? So is there a certain fertilizer that will make the grass soft, plush, and kill weeds but not my ducks?

I don't know if area makes a difference but I live in Illinois.
Can you take the "muck" from the duck area and then spread it on the grass and let the ducks mow your grass? If not, I don't know of a chemical free weeder. I have heard that pouring vinegar straight on weeds helps????

Maybe that is an option..... Great luck! We love our ducks too!
I was going to say just let your ducks fertilize your lawn for you. That's what I do. And if you have an area you need thatched, that's another job for the ducks-- as far as I'm concerned, they are the best at thatching and aerating.
You would need to get a pet and bird friendly, probably organic fertilizer. I would check with the manufacturer to be sure. Even many organic products recommend not letting pets in the area after the product is watered in. Because ducks eat grass, dirt, and gravel, I would use extreme care.
I'd check this article out. Non toxic weed killers for chickens
But honestly I would just try squirting white vinegar on a weed you can't get rid of after trying to uproot it yourself.
You could always try boiling water which has no chance of hurting a duck.

It also mentions Corn (gluten) Meal being used as a weed killer which I found interesting and I did a little more googling about it to learn how it worked. That lead me to this site that says it also fertilizes your grass and is sometimes found in pet and cattle feed. Corn Meal as Weed Killer?
However I am not sure how ducks in the equation may turn out, but I found the information interesting and worth noting and if it seems safe for chickens, I would assume it would be ok for ducks more than likely.

For fertilizer, I would just dilute some of the old swimming water or poo and then water the grass with it.
What kind of weeds? My geese will eat and dig out the taproots of several kinds of weeds -- especially dandilions.

Another thumbs up for duck poop fertilizer. Unlike chicken and goose, duck poop doesn't need to be composted before use. Poopy shavings make great garden mulch. You could make it into a 'tea' for spraying on grass.

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