Is there a secret to moving the chickens from floor/nest to roost?


10 Years
Jun 19, 2009
Good evening! New chicken owner here...I have 8 11 mos. old hens that I just purchased (2 Australorps, 2 silver laced wyandots, two red sex links, to RIR).

The problem I have is that only my silver laced hens will sleep on the roost. The rest are on the floor or in the nests.

I've done everything this forum has reccomended-I've placed golf balls in the nests which has not worked. I tried to move the hens tonight to the roosts while they were sleeping. I was very quiet, but the RIR started screaming when I picked her up which woke up the other chickens.

What do I do?
it could be that it is to dark in the coop when they go in. can you put a light in there that you can turn off aftyer dark?
I only nhad to do this for the first few days and then they came in a little earlier so they could see to get on the roosts.
Is it that big a deal if they don't roost? We have Silkies and they are know for not roosting (they sleep in a pile like puppies). We just got 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes they roost on anything and everything they can get their little feet on.

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