Is there a way to keep snakes out of the coop?

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I was reading posts similar to this one while I was building my two coops. People's information on here gave me fair warning to do it right while I was building the coop and run. I might be proven wrong someday, but I really don't think that there's an opening that a snake could get through other than when the gate to the run is open while the chickens are out in the back yard. Even with its being in the run, it'd have to find it's way to the tunnel that leads to the coops.

Wouldn't the rooster and hens kill a small snake?
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Moth balls do work to deter snakes, but they are deadly to chickens if the get ingested. You need to be very careful when applying mothballs in an area where chickens are. Just FYI!

The pine tar is a great idea! I might give that a go this summer.

I wonder if you put the mothballs in an airtight/watertight container that let the scent out (i.e. a plastic lidded container with holes) that would keep the chickens from eating them but would deter the snakes. Worth trying as long the chickys are safe.

Thnx for the info on the mothballs=death for chickens. Good to know;)
Houses in Africa are built with a large, tall threshold (greater than 6" I guess) that supposedly keeps snakes from coming into the homes. I've heard that snakes won't/can't go up & over the threshold. I wonder, supposing this is true about the threshold, if building a tall threshold on the door of the coop/run would deter snakes from entering when the door is open. It wouldn't change much in the design & you'd have to learn to not trip when entering. Just a thought.
First let me say I USED to like snakes but since I had a Chicken snake bite me I have no good, warm, fuzzy feelings for them. The snake bite didn't kill me (obviously) but I did hurt myself running into the side of the coops:lol:. I looked like a "Pong" ball bouncing around in there. Since then, I keep golf balls and fake eggs in my nest and gather my eggs with a golf ball retriever. Seems to have slowed the egg stealing, old man scaring critters off. Hawks and mongoose and coyotes kill snakes. So do ol men. sorry, mother nature. Just doing my part.
I have seen black snakes slide over all kinds of things. One even slithered its way up a straight 6x6 on my garage. Yuck! I killed it. It was to close to my bedroom window for my peace of mind. There was a bird nest in the top rafters of the garage.
My Mom kept missing eggs and they thought they had a snake problem. They bought some solid ceramic eggs and put in the nest. The next day one of the eggs was gone. the snake can't break it so he will die I have been told . Is that the truth? Jean
moth balls will keep them away,But if you put a few golf balls in your nest and a snake comes for dinner, and swallows a ball he wont ever come back.
Old thread, I was looking for some snake info, however, IRT mothballs, I have a mower in a shed that has mice in it, during the winter the mice eat the wiring of the mower, I put mothballs, a box full scattered under the mower, and a box around the inside of the engine compartment to keep the mice out, this does work. But as for snakes, already twice this summer I have found 2 black snakes inside the engine compartment! So I am not so sure about the mothball theory!
The various snake repellents don't work - at all. See my web page:

eat very few eggs and eat TONS of mice and rats. They head down rat holes and wipe out entire litters before they even get their eyes open :)

I like that!

I know some are just scared to death of snakes, but they are a net plus in my mind.
Just to clarify some things - there are no 5 foot garter snakes in Canada, no 12 foot bullsnakes in Nebraska either :)
Ropes, mothballs, oil, thresh holds, etc will not deter snakes.

The snake away products are useless. They occasionally appear to work because of coincidence, often enough to keep people singing their praises, but snakes could not care less about the napthalene odor.

People sell these snake oils because people are so scared of snakes they'll try anything to get rid of them. But as many here said, they are beneficial animals. If you have a phobia of them keep in mind that phobias can be diminished and in some cases eliminated with professional help. It may be the least expensive and most productive way to deal with the "snake problems".
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