is there a withdrawal of eggs if you use acv


Polish Obsessed
8 Years
Mar 7, 2011
Fort Worth, Tx
I am using a tablespoon of ACV (apple cider vinegar) per gallon of water. I have a couple of questions. how long should i leave it in their water? and Is there a withdrawal of eggs? thanks
Gosh, no. I make a tea from ACV myself when I have a cold. It's just vinegar, after all, not a medication. You can leave it in till they drink it all or they mess it up and you have to refill it. Just don't put it in a metal waterer.
i have read that you have to use the kind with mother in it, what would happen if i gave them some ACV without mother in it, would it hurt them?
It is still a great preventative and source of vitamins and minerals, so go ahead. No matter what type of ACV I use, my customers rave over the taste of my eggs when I am consistent in it's use. I agree with seems to lessen the strong sulfur smell and taste and leave a pure, clarified tasting egg behind.
I use organic ACV in my gals water every time I refill the container. No production problems and the eggs always taste fantastic! I'm not familiar with "mother"... what is that?
The mother is a gelatinous glob in unpastuerized vinegar that contains the fungus spores that develop when apple juice is allowed to ferment. It contains beneficial microorgasms that can help improve a digestive system, boosts the immune system and increases the occurence of vitamins, minerals, etc. in your ACV. You can also piece it out to other jugs of apple juice to get your own vinegar growing a nice culture of the same.

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