Is there any breed that likes to be held?

Love this!
My barred plymouth rocks will literally jump out of the brooder door and onto my lap, then climb my arm to my shoulder. I just put a little towel there and let them sit there. I wear glasses, so I'm not too concerned with eye pecking,lol.

The others are somewhat social but I'm not sure its a coincidence that all three of my BPR's love attention and being held, while the other breeds only tolerate it.
My Black Cochin cockerel is a big baby. He comes to meet me when I come into the run and likes to be carried around. He is about 6 months old now and I hope he keeps his sweet disposition when he starts gets older.
I have a bantam self-blue D'uccle hen that is the friendliest little thing. She's considerably smaller then the vast majority of our mixed flock, so when it came around to feeding time I would always giver her a little something extra (usually kitchen scraps or a tiny bit of starter). After a while she became practically finger-tame and loves to sit in my lap or talk to me.

My buff orps are very friendly too, I used to have one that even as a chick, loved to flop out on you like a little chicken pancake - shame a hawk got her. My remaining Buffs will sit and talk with me, but none are nearly as demonstrative.

Out of the ~10-12 breeds I have, I'd mostly say that breed doesn't seem to play in a huge factor so much as the individual and your bonding experience. If you teach them that you're safe, that you're the provider, they'll realize you're the bee's knees - they'll relax and you can make a stronger bond.

Just my experience anyways.
1 buff EE and all 3 of my barred rock, but only as of today:

Mine hated or only tolerated until today, almost 3 weeks old. Now these guys want to jump out of the cage (dog crate door) into my lap. They are standing on my hand, arm, and sleeping on my lap. They like to have a sensation of their feet being on something solid, like a roost (your finger, hand, etc.). Letting two be on your lap at once gives them confidence, too.

Suddenly, this change.
after weeks of patient trying. Hate to force it. Two are still very frightened. I talk to them a lot, too.
I find whether they are hand raised or not, bantam Old English or Modern Games really like physical attention.

Of my other breeds (which were hand raised) the Silkies, Seramas, Showgirl, Brabanters, and Polish seem to enjoy handling. I also have a one Jaerhon hen and one Sumatra rooster that seem to enjoy being held. In the past I have had Belgian d'Anvers that were also extremely friendly.
start them young and they will..i was just out holding a silver japanese bantam rooster, polish , ee's and seabrights all love to be held..spoil them from babies they will love you
What I learned as a newbee in handling them: Reaching down from above to pick them up seems frightening, like a predator attack. Reaching in a side door at their level, and lifting up under, letting them step onto you, is agreeable. With my limited experience seems like my BR are most brave and the "muffy" buff / white EEs are the most cuddly (fall asleep in your lap) vs. the more-wild-looking ones, who hate it most.

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