Is there any interest in Tri-Colored Sizzles?


10 Years
Oct 17, 2009
Hi Everyone!
I'm just trying to test the waters here and see what people would be interested
Right now I have my 2 breeding pens set up: 1 red banty frizz. roo over a red banty smooth(although carries the recessive frizz. gene)hen. I'm thinking of adding some buff, red, or maybe even partridge silkie hens in this pen. In the second pen I have one white banty frizz roo over three standard cochin girls:white, blue, and silver laced. My white roo boy is just so small that he is having a hard time mating with them so I'm going to give him a little more time to figure things out but if it's just physically impossible then I may just buy him a few white silkie girls his own size! But this leads me to my final or I guess...first actual question...the breeder that I'm buying some NICE Quality Bearded Silkies from has played around(for his own pleasure) and produced some REALLY Pretty Tri-Colored Sizzles...I'm wondering if anyone else out there would be interested in these eggs. I understand that this is NOT a recognized breed color it would only be for your own bakyard eye candy of course! I'll try my best to find some pics from him and post them! Blessings, Keri
Really??? I didn't think you could show a mixed color like that? Of course I know NOTHING about showing!
I went ahead and put my partridge silkie hen in with my white frizz boy b/c I caved at the temptation of having "calico" babies! Please school me more on this!
I'm absolutely in LOVE with my new silkie hens! My HUbby could not get over them last night when he saw them...he just kept saying "That's a chicken??"
They are the BEST! Blessings, Keri

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