Hi Guys,
I have 3 RIR's that just started laying this week. I had an interesting journey to get them to this point, as I was sold the wrong feed (scratch) at the hardware store, but didn't have the money to go buy the right feed (grower). My chicken friend across town fussed at me already...and I deserved that. My girls grew up and started laying based upon scratch feed, and table scraps, and once they discovered my garden, the voracious eaters demolished that and took care of the compost heap as well. I have no grass in my back yard because we live in the desert and it was landscaped with multi colored rocks including pea gravel. So, when the dandelions and other weeds came up after a nice rain event, I left them for the girls to eat. I also have a bale of hay (bermuda grass) that they love to munch on.
This weekend we had two dinner parties and I gave them all the scraps. I tried not to allow meat to go into the scaps even though I think some may have been put in. I fed all of this to them last night. This morning one of them has the runs pretty bad. I ran off to a different feed store where the guys said things like 'never feed them cooked rice, never feed them popcorn, never feed them garlic bread' Okay, guilty - all of the above was part of their diet last week - along with a lot of salad scraps. (I fed 30 people at my house this weekend.) My chickens LOVE it all!
I put them on Layer as of today with oyster shell as directed by the guys. Any other suggestions?
I have 3 RIR's that just started laying this week. I had an interesting journey to get them to this point, as I was sold the wrong feed (scratch) at the hardware store, but didn't have the money to go buy the right feed (grower). My chicken friend across town fussed at me already...and I deserved that. My girls grew up and started laying based upon scratch feed, and table scraps, and once they discovered my garden, the voracious eaters demolished that and took care of the compost heap as well. I have no grass in my back yard because we live in the desert and it was landscaped with multi colored rocks including pea gravel. So, when the dandelions and other weeds came up after a nice rain event, I left them for the girls to eat. I also have a bale of hay (bermuda grass) that they love to munch on.
This weekend we had two dinner parties and I gave them all the scraps. I tried not to allow meat to go into the scaps even though I think some may have been put in. I fed all of this to them last night. This morning one of them has the runs pretty bad. I ran off to a different feed store where the guys said things like 'never feed them cooked rice, never feed them popcorn, never feed them garlic bread' Okay, guilty - all of the above was part of their diet last week - along with a lot of salad scraps. (I fed 30 people at my house this weekend.) My chickens LOVE it all!
I put them on Layer as of today with oyster shell as directed by the guys. Any other suggestions?