Is there anyway to upgrade my account to just get rid of advertisements?

la dee da

15 Years
Dec 18, 2008
Hello everyone!

So I'm hoping to start breeding my chickens next year, and I know that means I'll want (and need) a lot of help, thus spending more time on this forum. The issue is all these dang advertisements are driving me nuts! I understand the need for them, as we wouldn't have a free BYC forum without them, but the premium membership is super expensive when all I want is no advertisements--I couldn't care less about all that other stuff. I recall there used to be a golden feather membership that was cheaper, and I think it also got rid of advertisements, but I can't find it anywhere. Does it even still exist? Are there any account upgrades besides premium?
I'd really rather pay something like $36/year to rid myself of the advertisements, than to spend my time trying to win contests. I don't have a very good record of winning anything and I get "contest anxiety" easily if I feel I need to win. Thank you for the information, though! Maybe when I get back from work I'll look for a thread where I can suggest a cheaper membership.
The issue is all these dang advertisements are driving me nuts! I understand the need for them, as we wouldn't have a free BYC forum without them
I'm really glad that many of our members recognize that running a site as big as BYC isn't easy or cheap, and the ads are the primary way we can keep the lights on.

Regarding the ads : can you be more specific about how they are driving you crazy?
They make the page load slowly, and once they finish loading the page doesn't scroll smoothly--it jerks. I don't know how much bandwidth they take exactly, but BYC takes a LOT more bandwidth than it used to and I think it's the adds. The reason I think it's the adds is the page loads without taking too much, then my bandwidth meter spikes and the adds load.

I also just don't like adds, heh.
My computer is also having a terrible time with the forum. Everything--typing, page loading, scrolling, is super slow and "sticky", it is driving me INSANE! If anyone has any hints on how to make this work better, I'm all ears. PM me if that helps.
Can y'all provide more information, specifically:
  1. Which browser / version are you using?
  2. Have you tried a different browser / version?
  3. Is it all pages all the time?
  4. Can you tell if it's a specific ad or type of ad that's causing the problem?
1) I'm using Mozilla firefoxl version 53.0.3 (up to date) 32 bit .My cpu isintel celeron 2.2 GHZ, 5 GB RAM.
2) No haven't tried another (any suggestions?)
3) Yes, all here are dreadful for me.
4) I believe the video/moving stuff is the worst, but every page is bad.
Took me me 5 minutes to type this, sorry for typos!

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