Is there pain Rx for a chicken that was attacked by a dog today?


Mar 4, 2018
My beloved chicken was attacked by a dog - multiple puncture wounds, naked neck, fatty tissue exposed. I have clean and flushed the wounds, sprayed them with Vetricyn, and brought her inside under a heat lamp. She perks up to drink water (with Tetracycline), but after seems to have a mucus like discharge from her mouth. Is there a pain Rx for patients such as my Marshme
My beloved chicken was attacked by a dog - multiple puncture wounds, naked neck, fatty tissue exposed. I have clean and flushed the wounds, sprayed them with Vetricyn, and brought her inside under a heat lamp. She perks up to drink water (with Tetracycline), but after seems to have a mucus like discharge from her mouth. Is there a pain Rx for patients such as my Marshme
Sorry your poor chicka was attacked! I would add vitamins and electrolytes to her water. I have seen a formula where you put 6 crushed aspirin in water but unsure if it was a quart of water. I will try a search and see what i can find.
Welcome to BYC. Sorry about the circumstances!
A 6 lb chicken can have one baby aspirin or 1/4 of a 325mg aspirin twice a day. Maybe crush it up and feed in yogurt or something like that. Best of luck with her.
I am unsure if aspirin is appropriate for a chicken that has sustained bodily insults because in humans aspirin promotes intestinal bleeding and it has not been established how much blood volume your hen has remaining and what is the safe lower limit of blood volume.

Just be advised that the hen belongs to you so do as you see fit.
I am unsure if aspirin is appropriate for a chicken that has sustained bodily insults because in humans aspirin promotes intestinal bleeding and it has not been established how much blood volume your hen has remaining and what is the safe lower limit of blood volume.

Just be advised that the hen belongs to you so do as you see fit.

Very true! Aspirin IS a blood-thinner. I don't think I'd use it in those circumstances. We had a situation one time where we contemplated Aspirin but then decided that would be a bad idea since it thins the blood.

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