Is there something wrong with them ?!?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 4, 2011
I have one white leghorn hen, 2 Rhode island red, and a New Hampshire Red..... they turned 23 weeks Wenesday and i havnt had a single egg. They arnt even shown any signs and they still have pale pink wattles. There isnt anything wrong with them is there?
They are probably just not ready yet - I know the waiting is a killer!!
My Production Red just started at 24 of our New Hampshires started at 25 weeks (last weekend)...the other New Hampshire and our Barred Rock have not laid any yet - they are all the same age (26 weeks now). They will start soon - hang in there!
whewwww! I see alot of people saying how their's layed aroung 20 weeks, and my best friends pullets are the same age age mine aand have been laying at least 4 weeks! I have my girls, ducks, and roo's in a pen and have been worried about what happens when they dooo lay because my birds eat anyyything and everyyyything! haha and yes the wait is frustrating!

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