Is there such a thing as a standard cochin?


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
We have a cochin hen, that we were told was bantam, but she is about twice the size of any i have seen. I was told she could be mixed, but she has full feathering on her legs, and I know her chicks that hatch, which are mixed, only have feathers on the sides of their legs. Will try to get a pic.
I have a standard cochin. She is bigger than my other standards but still lays medium eggs. She is one of our favorites with all her butt fluff poofing out. You can always tell her eggs from the others. Her butt fluff is stuck to it. LOL.
Yes, there are bantam, standard and Giant cochins. I have bantams and Giants. Here are a few pics of them.

She is about 4 inches tall and VERY light. They are 6 months old.


Here is one of my giants: The giant is only 15 weeks old so he is not done growing yet but you can see the difference between the two little ones in the cage and him.

OK great think 'Bertha' is a giant cochin! Sne looks just like your's!! She is about as big as my dad's RIR hens!
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I am aware of Bantam Cochins & Large Fowl Cochins. I am completely unaware of a third "Giant" form of this breed. But then I'm only in my 48th year of being around poultry & still have a lot to learn.
That is because there is not actually a third class called "Giant". LF cochins can vary in size depending on the line and how they have been bred. Some lines tend to be much larger than others but it is not a true class size. The majority of LF cochins out there, i.e. those from hatchery stock, are smaller than the show quality animals and that adds to the confusion. Then you have the people who go on eggbid and ebay and advertise their birds as "Giants"
to get the extra $$$. I have some LF buff cochins that came from one of the best breeders in the US who usualy takes BV and sometimes the top award and they are truly massive animals. They are still, however, just LF cohcins bred to the corect standard.
That is because there is not actually a third class called "Giant". LF cochins can vary in size depending on the line and how they have been bred. Some lines tend to be much larger than others but it is not a true class size. The majority of LF cochins out there, i.e. those from hatchery stock, are smaller than the show quality animals and that adds to the confusion. Then you have the people who go on eggbid and ebay and advertise their birds as "Giants"
to get the extra $$$. I have some LF buff cochins that came from one of the best breeders in the US who usualy takes BV and sometimes the top award and they are truly massive animals. They are still, however, just LF cohcins bred to the
corect standard.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.
I have both standard and Bantam, I should take a pic of my std Roo, Rhett, with my Bantam Cockerel, Uno, next to him.
Rhett stands about 22" when he is walking tall. I attached a pic of Tara, one of my hens, she is not overly tall but is very large.


Edited cause I have no clue which chicken is which
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