Is There To Much of a Good Thing.....

Treats are good for getting the chickens to come running if you need them to for some reason, like you want to put them back in their pens. I start training them as chicks to recognize the "treats" call. Otherwise, I give my birds scraps as I have them. I don't specially prepare food for them. Their feed is specially prepared food and a balanced diet. see....that is something that has changed with chicken husbandry. Back in the day the chickens were only fed once a day and they ALL came arunnin' when this happened. All a person had to do was shell a little corn into the pen and stand back so you wouldn't get trampled. With the advent of continuous feeding, this has become less of an attractant.

I still feed just once a day and they all pretty much come quickly into the henhouse and eat. I rarely ever have an occasion when the chickens need shut up in the middle of the day, so it's just as easy to close the pop door after everyone is in bed at night if I want to confine them for the next day.
If I continue what is the best rice that they could eat and it would be better than minute rice?

Long grain, sticky, whole grain, white, wheat or What?

Whole grain brown rice. Bashmati has the most protein.

Yes. whole grain brown rice. You may want to cook up a big pot and store it in the fridge. It is also good for you. It needs to be cooked longer than white refined rice, but well worth it.
Whole grain brown rice. Bashmati has the most protein.

Yes. whole grain brown rice. You may want to cook up a big pot and store it in the fridge. It is also good for you. It needs to be cooked longer than white refined rice, but well worth it.

I cook a big pot, divide it, and freeze it.

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