Is this a Barred Rock or a Black Australorp?


Apr 11, 2015
I recently picked up my chicks from a local feed store and they had both BRs and BAs I thought I was bringing home BRs and now...well...
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I thought so! Hmmmm. This is my very first chicken flock and If we are right- My daughter is super attached to "omelet" already so I have to keep her. I got 4 of this breed and two golden sexlinks and am
Hoping to add two or three americunas to the flock Friday. Wonder if it's worth trying to exchange two of these (I got Them Yesterday) for BRs? I read they have fantastic traits and I'd like to have a mixed
Flock. Anyone have experience with Both BRs and BAs? thoughts? They both sound like great birds... Will all of the breeds I mentioned get along? Is it okay to only have two of each breed? Sorry for all of the questions.
All of those breeds will get along, and all are common in backyard flocks. You can't go wrong with any of them. What you keep is a matter of preference.
Keep them! Our Australorp chicks are so sweet! They will sit in our hands and let us pet them and talk to them. Out of all the breeds we ordered I think the Barred Rocks are my least favorite (for now, at least).
Okay- they will stay. Thanks!! They are super sweet. One more question- as far as breeds that lay the colored eggs- any recommendations on a great friendly breed that is good in New England weather? I'd like to get three more chickens.

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