I had no idea that the hatcheries would mark the roos, is this purple beak a marking? None of the other brahmas have it and I only got one roo, but it might be the color of his beak! I have never seen a mark so I don't know
Thanks! I don't think Ideal marked my roos then. I really searched them and that was the only difference I saw in any of them. People say that they pen the roos though, so I am not sure what happend to mine unless I am missing something??
I didn't think hatcheries mark the birds period? I've ordered twice from McMurray, both times only ordering one or two males, and none of them were ever marked. I dont even think there was an option for having them mark them.
Some hatcheries do give you the option to have the marked, but I think you have to request it. I know Privett Hatchery is one of them. They make a mark on the top of the head with blue dye or marker. A friend of mine ordered 24 Delaware pullets and a cockerel and the boy was white with a big blue dot on the top of his head.
ttrjpbcz, here's some pics so you can see the type of marking I was talking about:
You have to request it at the time of order.
Before too long, you'll be able to spot your roo. The dark brahmas are the only color of brahma where the male has different coloring than the females.
Ive order twice from Ideal and both times they have been marked. This is how they marked them. Im not sure if you can tell from the first picture, but the different breeds have different colors. On the inside of the box was a color coding let me know which was which. Orange=light brahma Blue=blue cochin Green=black frizzle cochin & Purple=white frizzle cochin
Light brahma
My black frizzle
My light brahmas(orange) & blue cochins(top right corner)