Is this a bullseye in a fertilized egg?


In the Brooder
Oct 11, 2015
I did not think I had any roosters old enough to mate yet. All of my boys were hatched in 10/21. This egg sure looks fertilized to me, but I'm not quite sure.

Black copper maran
Easter egger
Speckled Sussex

Hmm... those are not quick growing breeds so I'd be doubtful and guess it's just a weirdly shaped non-bullseye. But if it is really fertile you've got a virile little fella on your hands... sounds like a darn good breeder if he can mount, hit the mark, and actually be biologically capable at this age.
I have had one of the black copper marans chasing the girls around, and jumping on the backs of the pullets (that just layed their first egg 2 days ago), but I reallllllly did not think he was old enough to fertilize anything yet - ha ha. The egg that was fertilized came from a small bantam. The other egg in the picture was from a larger Easter Egger and it didnt have the bullseye. So IF one of my guys has figured things out, then maybe he is getting to the smaller hens.

I have been wanting to cook a recipe of some kind that has ALOT of eggs in it all day so that I can crack open a few more.
I was quite eager to cook breakfast this morning to see if I found any other fertilized eggs, and I did. Most of the eggs cooked were not fertile, but the last egg I cracked open has the bullseye. I grabbed my camera and snapped a quick pic of a non-fertilzed egg, as well as a fertlized egg. I loaded the pics in photoshop and reversed the color so it would look similar to an x-ray. Here is the result. I find it very cool and facinating :)

a few scenerios for having fertilized eggs (all not very likely)
1. One of my cockerels from 10/21 hatched matured very fast
2. One of my two guineas is a roo and trying to make guin / guin-hen
3. Hen has stored sperm from the previous home it was at over 4 months ago


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