Is this a good idea?(to put quail eggs under a chicken)

Cortunix quail are the most popular choice for quails owners. Quails will be fully mature after about 6 weeks. They will lay
eggs as well most days during the summer months. They are not the most friendly of creatures but with a bit of time spent, they may become more friendly.
i know people have hatched them under bantams.
Your broody would need to be a bantam breed and you should only use her as an incubator, raising the chicks yourself in a brooder. Chickens often have no clue how to look after quail chicks who act quite differently to chicken chicks.

Chickens also don't recognise quail eggs as eggs to sit on so you'll need to include some regular chicken eggs to the pile, making sure they are in a bowl or similar so your hen has no choice but to sit on all of them.

You'll have to keep a close eye on them at hatch time as some chickens don't like the tiny quail chicks and will kill them.
There is a YouTube of someone who hatched quail eggs under a silky. He had about 10 eggs, which did not quite fit under her. Another silky joined her, and they did a great job incubating, with a high percentage of hatching. He did take the chicks away when they hatched. You ight be able to Google the video.
I read that regular sized chickens are too big to brood quail. They'll probably end up killing these "runts." Smaller silkies, or standard incubator for hatching.

As for whether to raise quail, it sounds like you already raise birds. It might not be as big a leap as it was for me. Quail are the only poultry I've tried (March 2020). It has been more work than I thought it would be, probably because they generally don't free-range. Let them out of the cage, and you'll never see them again.

Quail have "tribes" and roommate preferences. My days are filled with putting the right birds together so they're happy. That's the hardest part.

Also, if you don't intend to process any, just buy mature sexed birds. To maintain harmony and balance, you will need to dispatch a few males. For me, this is why I chose quail (that, and residential areas generally don't let you have more than a few chickens, if any). I knew from the start that I wouldn't be able to kill a chicken. Quail are easy to process with just a kitchen shears and they are tasty. No regrets on raising them, but they are a lot of work.

Also, if it wasn't for 2020 being what 2020 is, I wouldn't be doing this. I'm still too much of a city girl.

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