Is this a Lynx?

The words "Bow and Arrow" come to mind along with the letters..



But I'd better be sure I had a kill shot lined up, and be absolutely sure it was within range for the shot to be instantly lethal, because if the animal got away with my arrow sticking out of it and anybody had any clue that I could draw a bow, I'd be risking getting charged with animal cruelty.:rolleyes:

I'd shoot it...then.. " don't ask, don't tell"

We have a neighbor (at least, I think he lives around here) that occasionally goes back in the woods behind our place to shoot cans. Several times that has resulted in a police cruiser in my yard, because one of the neighbors heard him and reported us (yeah, that's right, they think it's us).:he I wouldn't have to tell - someone else would be likely to tell on me. While some might be able to get away with SSS, for me, it's simpler to keep the birds secure and stay on the right side of the law.
But I'd better be sure I had a kill shot lined up, and be absolutely sure it was within range for the shot to be instantly lethal, because if the animal got away with my arrow sticking out of it and anybody had any clue that I could draw a bow, I'd be risking getting charged with animal cruelty.:rolleyes:

We have a neighbor (at least, I think he lives around here) that occasionally goes back in the woods behind our place to shoot cans. Several times that has resulted in a police cruiser in my yard, because one of the neighbors heard him and reported us (yeah, that's right, they think it's us).:he I wouldn't have to tell - someone else would be likely to tell on me. While some might be able to get away with SSS, for me, it's simpler to keep the birds secure and stay on the right side of the law.
I'm in the country. We have tons of predator issues here..lots of livestock farmers. My neighbor up the road raises lambs..last year..they shot/trapped over 100 coyotes! So, predator removal is an accepted practice. with u...we lock down our chickens at night in very secure heavy wood sheds converted to coops. Although I would not hesitate to eliminate a particular predator that made it a habit of routinely visiting my coops..we choose maximum security, electric fencing and keeping the areas where we have animals cleaned up of leftover feed.
...... Can bobcat's climb? I had a hole in the fence which was why it got in the first 8 times. But I've since patched it up. But now I'm wondering if this critter can climb hardware cloth fencing? Do I need to put a top over my run? I'll be looking into either buying the Havahart live trap or calling a professional pest company in.

Not only can bobcats climb but they can jump 10 feet straight up from a standing start.
How high can you jump, ralphie? Or are you like most of us, um, seasoned persons ( :old ) and the mere idea of being in the same sentence with jumping results in :barnie or :lau

I recently gingerly jumped 2 inches but it was not all vertical, there was about an inch of forward momentum...

My bones crack and break at the thought of jumping...Jumping is for the young and fool headed.

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