is this a pullet egg it ???


9 Years
May 30, 2010
Franklin Nc
yesterday I got a beautiful sized pullet egg. My question is I have 2 full size hens. went I was building them a barn they were moved around about 4 times both stopped laying. they have been in there small barn about 1 mo. the 1 of them has been laying since they got put in there within a day it 2 nothing from the other one. At all except when she got hurt I put her by herself she laied an egg smaller than a dime. That was about 1 mo ago I guess. So the egg is very small compared to what she was laying but she has not laied in a ling while. I have about 3 pullets that are ready with red wattles and combs ? what is your guess ?

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I was about to write, "that isn't a pullet egg it is a game bird egg, probably quail" but then I saw your second post.

The middle one is probably a pullet egg. However, depending on breed, pullet eggs can start off a lot smaller than that. However, hens coming out of molt will often lay small eggs too. You will know which it is soon. If it is a new pullet laying the eggs, then the size will gradually increase. If it is the hen coming out of molt the second egg should be back to the normal size.

Edited for clarity.
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