I have a BSL pullet, BUT recently she seems to have be growing tail plumage and a larger comb. She is about 5-6 months of age and has not laid yet. She is definately top bird in the flock. She even rules my two roos (RIR & BR), she will grab them by the comb and swing them around in circles if they have the nerve to challenge her. They all give her wide berth. I have heard of chickens taking the place of the rooster and taking on the physical characteristics if none are around, but like I said, I have two.
This is her running off the neighbors cat, like I said, she is a great guardian of the flock...
She also has two little bumps on he legs like spurs are growing in. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

This is her running off the neighbors cat, like I said, she is a great guardian of the flock...

She also has two little bumps on he legs like spurs are growing in. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
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