Is this a roo?


Apr 7, 2015
San Antonio Tx
New to chickens.. already have some of the hens I ordered end up being roosters. I'm still not sure on this one.. my Barred Rock. Biggest bird I have and thinking a roo. Saddle feathers seem a bit pointed but not being familiar with the different breeds so I am kinda at a loss. I also do not see the neck feathers/hackles like my other roosters. Out of 17 birds I have 4 confirmed roosters. This would make a fifth.. so far everyone is getting along. Is it possible for them to co-exist or will I have issues. Birds are about 18 weeks and we are hoping to see some eggs from the girls shortly. I am hoping to get into spring before I have to take out any of the boys. Guess I need to figure out how to process these guys for the freezer.

Then they totally messed up my order. I have two cockoo maran females that have a finer and less defined white pattern in the black. I think they added a third but the markings are slightly more defined so wondering Dominique? As long as I have brown eggs don't really care. But a bit aggravated I get 5 roosters when I ordered one.

The left and one in back on right are the cuckoo's I think.

And this one has a more distinct barring than the cuckoos but not as clear as the supposed barred rock that is a roo.

Barred Rocks have single combs and yellow skin. Marans have single combs and white/pink skin. Dominiques have rose combs (wedge shaped) and yellow skin.
Hatchery barred birds can have a lot of variation when it comes to how crisp the barring is.
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How well they co-exist really just depends on their personalities. There will be some fighting as they mature to establish their hierarchy, but once it's established they may all get along just fine. Some boys, however, can not live with other males at all and will constantly be picking fights.
New to chickens.. already have some of the hens I ordered end up being roosters. I'm still not sure on this one.. my Barred Rock. Biggest bird I have and thinking a roo. Saddle feathers seem a bit pointed but not being familiar with the different breeds so I am kinda at a loss. I also do not see the neck feathers/hackles like my other roosters. Out of 17 birds I have 4 confirmed roosters. This would make a fifth.. so far everyone is getting along. Is it possible for them to co-exist or will I have issues. Birds are about 18 weeks and we are hoping to see some eggs from the girls shortly. I am hoping to get into spring before I have to take out any of the boys. Guess I need to figure out how to process these guys for the freezer.

the barred one is a roo

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