Is this a roo?

Homesteading Cassie

In the Brooder
May 27, 2020
Hi, new to raising light brahmas— I think this one is a roo— please help :) can someone tell me if it’s a roo or a hen or is it too early to tell? It is approximately 10 weeks old.
Also seems to have quite strong legs and big tail - I'd say a roo, too.

I'm kinda surprised I never found this written in any post or web page about sexing - but I notice that boys tend to be rather heavy for their size when you pick them up (girls are lighter), boys feel much more muscular and wiry under your fingers, and they often stand more upright. Often (but not always) I'm able to recognize that in a roo when they are already a week or two old.
Thank you! Yeah his legs are quite thicker than the rest that we have. We have 23 light brahmas and two of them have their combs and wattles— all of them same age— around 10 weeks

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