Is this a roo?


11 Years
Feb 29, 2008
South Central PA
This chick is only a little over 2 weeks, so it might be early to definatively sex him..but just look at this comb. He is also starting to develop some waddle...none of the other chicks have even a trace of waddle yet. What do you think?

Here he is.....

A picture of one of the 'girls'....

And here he is in the mix of the other 5...
The comb doesn't look pink to me, so I'd say no. Their combs are naturally wider, so you can't really sex based on that. I'd say you won't know for sure for a couple more weeks to see if the comb pinks up.

I may have to check my eyes, Jody, LOL. I see pinky tones starting to come in, but Portia, you have the chick in the comb starting to color up a little? My SLW girls didn't have a comb like that for over a month or more.
The comb is not pink, in fact some of the other SLW with smaller combs are a bit more on the pink side. I think the pink is the reflection off the red bulb up in the brooder. In my batch of SLW, all of them look pretty unique; unlike some of the other breeds I have.
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i already have my slws sexed and they barely have feather. the combs stick out like crazy! that is defn a boy!

by the way, are your's unusually flighty? mine are crazy compared to my others
SLW combs are deceiving. I would wait until week 4-5 to be sure. I'm hoping it's a girl for you.


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