Is this a suitable brooder for chicks?


May 17, 2022
Hi! Sorry I feel like I've been posting a ton today but I have a lot of questions haha. I have 5 chicks ranging between about 2-4 weeks old. I've been keeping them in a modified dog crate as a brooder but they're getting big and their heater in there takes up a ot of space so I'm worried it's getting too small for them. After another week or 2, I plan on having them outside during the day and putting them to bed in their brooder at night but I still think they need something bigger. I found this animal play pen thing on amazon and thought it might work but I need opinions as I'm new to this. Does it look tall enough? I'm pretty sure it's wide enough but will they be too big for it height wise? It shows pictures on amazon of full grown rabbits and a kitten fitting in it comfortably but will the chicks get taller than that by 6 weeks old?

Screen Shot 2022-05-22 at 5.34.35 PM.png
I also wanted to give them a sand bath but there's definitely no room in the dog crate. In this I'd put a sand bath, their roost, food and waterer, their heater (until they don't need it anymore), and aspen bedding.
Mine at 6 weeks would probably fit. I know a lot of people seem to like those for bird pens temporarily
Oh great! Thank you so much! I have one chick who's tried a few times to fly out the dog crate when the top is off so I was worried she'd hate this having a lower top.
Well, not to be mean, but she can just get used to it then 😅

She'll be able to fly once she's in her grown up area. Although at 6 weeks, they should be pretty safe to go outside permanently too in most areas
Haha! That's not mean at all. Hopefully they'll be ready by 6 weeks to move outside full time and she can fly as much as she wants😊

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