Is this a tibetan quail?

Quail 66

Nov 18, 2020
Thessaloniki, Greece
Hello and Merry Christmas. I found a farm in my country that sells eggs for giga Tibetan as they call them. that's their foto. Is it really a Tibetan? Is there a thing like giga? I thought they were a bit smaller. And 12 euro p (14,62 d) for 24 eggs is a good price? And one last thing. Are they really more aggressive? will they harm my other coturnix?


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Difficult to say in the sun. I would say Rosetta, which is Tibetan-Gold cross (Gold from Italian/Manchurians).

I wouldn't say, that they are more aggressive.
But I cannot tell for Jumbos/Giants.

And 50 Euro Cent is a good price.
Difficult to say in the sun. I would say Rosetta, which is Tibetan-Gold cross (Gold from Italian/Manchurians).

I wouldn't say, that they are more aggressive.
But I cannot tell for Jumbos/Giants.

And 50 Euro Cent is a good price.
Thanks. I'll do some more searching. They don't take responsibility for shipping problems. At least they didn't write " I sale brown golden and white quails" like others do 😂.
That looks Rosetta to me, I don’t know what giga is, but I’m not in Europe and I know things are named differently in different countries and even from farm to farm. My range types are not more aggressive.
Yeah, if I incubate them and turn out to be aggressive I'll keep a few and I'll give the rest to my friend with the big field ( he used to have ostriches ). He doesn't mind.
If there’s no roof or covering to the field, they will fly away and be eaten by other animals.
If there’s no roof or covering to the field, they will fly away and be eaten by other animals.
No, he has a roof and feeders and everything. He doesn't have much time for keeping birds. He has a lot of hectares of trees, fruits, a lot of work. They've tried the ostriches for a while ( lots of people did) but with no support from the government these things end up in disappointment. He now keeps there various birds for fun

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