Is this an all right thing to do?


10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
Gilbert, Arizona
So, when ordering from some of the hatcheries...and the minimum order is 25: say I don't want 25, I can just sell the extras on Craigslist or something right? Or is this going against some unwritten rule?
I see people doing it all the time. I am going to probably have to do it because I ordered a minimum order before I found out I could get small numbers of chicks at TSC and MyPetChicken.
that would be a great idea!! if you can't keep them all that is. do you know about when they will get to you? I would post an ad here and/craigslist a week or two in advance just to have some interests and it wouldn't take as long to get rid of the ones you don't want to keep
Lots of people do that. I would keep the chicks for about a week to make sure they're healthy, and then sell them
that's exactly what I did: posted on craigslist that my order of 25 was coming and what breeds I ordered and said I only wanted to keep half so I'd sell the rest to interested parties. I posted right before bed and got more replies than I needed by the time I woke up the next morning. Go for it!

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