Is this an Easter Egger?

Chickie Newbie

Jun 22, 2015
Tucson, AZ

Hi all. I'm brand new to raising chickens. Just got four babies two and half weeks ago from mypetchicken and they are doing very well. After doing some research I ordered a Welsummer (Coco), a Buff Silkie bantam (Goldie), a Red Star (Scarlett) and an Easter Egger named Violet. My question is about the EE. I've looked at pictures online here and I haven't seen one that looks like her in the EE forum. She's the black one with spots and has a yellow spot on the top of her head. Do you think she's an EE or have they sent me something else? I really wanted to get blue or green eggs from at least one chicken but I'm sure I'll love her all the same. The Wellie is the sweetest so far, and comes running and loves to be petted but I'm sure it changes. They're all so young yet, and so cute. I'm really enjoying them and working madly to complete their coop. I can't believe how fast they grow! I would appreciate your feedback on this. Thx!
Well, easter egger isn't a real breed, so they can look like anything at all. However, they almost always have pea combs, and it looks like your little one has a single comb, although it's a bit hard to tell from the pictures. I think you got a barred rock :( I'd email MPC and ask though, because the hatchery that MPC dropships from also carries crested cream legbars, and if they've started using those in their EEs then it would be totally possible to get a straight comb barred EE. But that little one really does look like a barred rock...
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Well, easter egger isn't a real breed, so they can look like anything at all. However, they almost always have pea combs, and it looks like your little one has a single comb, although it's a bit hard to tell from the pictures. I think you got a barred rock
I agree; it looks like a Barred Rock chick.
Well with leg feathering she's not a barred rock - I would definitely just shoot them an email and ask :)
I contacted MPC as you suggested, Pyxis, and interestingly, she agrees it's definitely not an Easter Egger, but may be either a Golden Copper Marans or an Olive Egger! Time will tell. She looks a lot like a Cuckoo Marans to me, but I'm happy with what I got. They even refunded me the cost of the chick and I didn't even ask them. :)

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