Is this an egg hatching?


In the Brooder
Mar 29, 2016
Hello! So I have an African goose who's 2 this will be her 3 clutch but first with me. I have pondered from the beginning if the eggs were firtle bc the mate would be a Canadian goose I rescued and decided to hang around for a while. Today makes 38 days of sitting (I know super long) so I came up here to candle and toss eggs but found this little egg or of the nest (she moved it back under her wing now. She let me gently pick it up and it didn't smell rotten . So my question to ask you learned people is- os it hatching??? (I know time will tell but Ack I Hope so much that their really viable eggs!!
There was a Toulouse goose that mated with a Canada gander at a local park ten or eleven years ago. They hatched 3 goslings (two of which are still alive) so such a mating can produce viable eggs although the offspring will be infertile. At 38 days I doubt that egg is going to hatch.
Thanks! They were I took the eggs this morning and found them all rotten. Do you think I can slip a gander gosling under her at night? She's still sitting. I want a gander anyways and our local feed store has some...

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