Is this an ok size for 2 and 1/2 week gosling?


May 27, 2023
So Zilla was cleared by the vet and hasn’t had any more leg issues so far but we were advised to get some worming treatment anyway just incase which will be here by Sunday at the latest -
I’m mainly just slightly concerned as it feels like she’s not growing very fast and sadly I don’t have her brother anymore to compared 😢 although I do have a couple 3-4 week goslings now that she has bonded to amazingly.
I should say that both her potential dads came from mixed goose flocks so we have no idea what her exact breed is really though she does have quite a dark mauve beak in some lighting. The pictures show her next to the smaller of the 2 greylag goslings that I got from a different breeder. She’s also very active and majority of her diet is grass peas and romaine lettuce (though she always has access to waterfowl starter crumb)
Do you have a scale? You could weigh her daily to see if she’s putting on any weight. As long as she’s eating and is healthy she should continue to grow, if she’s a small breed she’ll be smaller than the Toulouse.

She’s a sweetie and I’m rooting for her!
Do you have a scale? You could weigh her daily to see if she’s putting on any weight. As long as she’s eating and is healthy she should continue to grow, if she’s a small breed she’ll be smaller than the Toulouse.

She’s a sweetie and I’m rooting for her!
Thank you 💖 I’ll try to weigh her over time, she was a tiny gosling so I’m hoping it’s just genetics


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Is she still doing well?
It was incredibly devastating, not long after this post she passed away in a similar fashion to her brother 😢 I think I knew she would but just couldn’t process it, I miss her lots as she was such a lovely gosling 😢💔

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