Is this bumblefoot? Very worried.


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 24, 2012
I got this chicken not long ago from someone who was obviously mistreating her. She hadn't even noticed that there was something wrong with her feet at all, until I pointed it out to her. Her feet were like this when I got her.
Someone told me that this is bumble foot, but I can't find the 'scab' part. The swollen part is very hard, but when I soak it it gets a tiny bit softer. The black part is REALLY hard, and I have soaked it several times to try and get it off, a tiny tiny bit of it comes off each time. I know that her feet are deformed anyways, but one looks to have some sort of growth on it.
She stays in the run (every one else free ranges) all day, and I give her her own food and water. I included a picture of her other foot for reference. I am very worried, can she be saved? Please help!!

Wow. That poor girl! If there is not a scab maybe look into constricted toe syndrome? The blackened dead area makes me consider frostbite as another possibility, but being from Florida I don't have much experience myself. It's hard to tell from the photos, but it looks like she may need surgery either way. If it is an older case of bumblefoot, the infection will eventually get into her bones and blood and that's a horrible way to go. I'm sorry I'm not more useful, but I would have her at least looked at by a vet if you can
Yes, could be frostbite or a constriction injury. Is that a small wound area at the BASE of the blackened area, though? If you have a large swollen "marble" type area at the base, I would look for any possible foreign body entrance point there, and open it up if you find one. The blackened toe may fall off, but if there is infection at the base, it will go on unless it (the foreign body, and the pus and any dead tissue) is removed and cleaned out. Keep us posted!
Thanks guys! I can't find a wound anywhere. Her feet are deformed, and it looks like that one toe had two toenails...and one has turned black with part of her foot. A friend suggested that I take her to the vet and they may amputate the toe. I'm not sure, I would really like to find a solution at home. I wish I could find a wound so I could drain it out for her and relieve her discomfort!

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