This gal was fine the night before, and the next morning (the 25th) couldn't bear weight on this foot. One toe swollen, at first I thought maybe she broke the toe, but after reading here, maybe bumblefoot? She is 11 months old, they free-range all day, coop at night, no nasty environments. She is lowest on the pecking order with the hens, but is the roosters favorite, so I've put her alone in an adjoining pen to the coop. Do I wait for this to bust open like an abscess or lance it? Those "cores" look like normal pad callus to me, and the swelling seems softest (i.e. where an abscess might burst) on the TOP of the toe, not the bottom. This is now a bit over 48 hours and no change. Suggestions please, I'm still in my first year of chicken experience. Thanks in advance!