Is this bumblefoot?


May 30, 2016
Finger Lakes, NY
Just yesterday I came home from work to find that my Khaki hen, Bridget, was favoring her right foot. She holds it up when standing, but she will walk on it gingerly to get around. Upon inspection I found that her toe was completely swollen up, but I can't see the tell-tale black scab or really any wounds at all.

She's being wonderful about letting me hold her to mess with it. I've been putting clear iodine on it last night and this morning. I've only dealt with bumble once before on my drake when we had a wet season last year and their pen was sloppy mud for weeks. Right now their coop is dry pine shavings and their pen is just dirt with patchy grass that I'm trying to grow in.

Will bumblefoot always have a scab? If not, then do I need to cut into this or is it possible to help draw out whatever is in there? Or could it be something else entirely? I'm considering a vet, but the only one who will see ducks is a long drive and I don't have a ton of money to throw at this until the following week.


My apologies for the wet shavings in the way. She hates being caught and jumped into the pool and then ran into the coop with wet feet before I got her.
Yes, I beleive so. When you zoom iin you can see the scab. I would soak it in warm Epsom salt water and then pick at it to release the core - which will be like a plug. Then add neosporin, wrap, keep dry.
Yes, I beleive so. When you zoom iin you can see the scab. I would soak it in warm Epsom salt water and then pick at it to release the core - which will be like a plug. Then add neosporin, wrap, keep dry.

Could I ask where you see it? I must be blind. When my drake had it it was obvious and I had no issue digging it out. With her I feel like I'm about to cut into live tissue. I just don't want to hurt her.
I am having a hard time seeing a scab too. Not saying there isn't one just can't find it.

Could this be a bee sting? I'd soak in Epsom salt water then apply the colorless iodine if you don't see improvement by end of week then maybe a vet would be best. You felt all over the foot for a splinter or thorn? If swelling spreads then it could be an infection.
I posted too fast lol. I suppose it could be a sting. I do get bees in the coop on occasion that I have to kill.

I'll start with a soak and see if I can pick around and locate anything weird. I couldn't see it last night, but I didn't really feel for anything other than the scab, so maybe I missed something.
So that spot turned out to be the area I was picking at previously when I thought there was something there. I've been scrubbing at it to see what is dirt and if there is anything else. There is nothing that I can see or feel. The foot looks flawless aside from the swelling. The lump is definitely generating heat though.

I did soak her feet in warm epsom salt water and a tiny bit of tea tree oil. I tried to pick further to see if I could open it up, but all I was getting was blood. I didn't go too far because I didn't want to be entering from the wrong spot and miss where the pus was. So then I just soaked it some more and then srubbed it with clear iodine.

I think I'm going to keep trying to soak it and draw out whatever might be in there for the week and if nothing changes by Friday's pay day, I'm going to have to check with the vet. I just don't know how brave I am about cutting it right open. I'm not even certain of what it is yet and I don't want to hurt her. She is being an angel and literally letting me lay her on her back in my lap while I monkey with her foot.

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