Is this Bumblefoot?


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2018
2 pictures of my Americana and 1 of my sex link.
Just happened to see the white patches on black sex link when my son was cuddling with we checked the other 3. Found Americana with scabs on both feet. No limping from either.
If it is, what is best treatment option? And how to I avoid this?
They free range 2 hrs a day and otherwise are in a 20 foot run with native FL sand. Run is picked twice a day and coop is cleaned daily (shavings)
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It looks like bumblefoot, she even has a puncture hole there where she might of stepped on something pointy ended.. like a nail for example. I think free ranging chickens are probably more prone to it because it can be difficult to keep nails or any other pointy objects out of the way.
YES go to youtube there are several people who discuss it and show you pics on how to cure it. I found all of them very informative. Just put in "Bumblefoot in chickens".

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