Is this chick saveable

That’s quite a bit, but it appears to be drying up well. It should fall off once dried out. I’d keep it separated from other chicks that might peck it, and hope for the best.
Good luck!
it is separated now so we are on the right track there. i will update this thread with any news over the next few days. keep your fingers crossed. i truly appreciate the time taken to help the chick and i have a happy ending.
How is your chick doing?
Chick had been doing well but today it seems to be slowing down. Not eating and stating under the brooder plate. The attached piece still about the same size and not completely dried out still feels like a raisen.
it is separated now so we are on the right track there. i will update this thread with any news over the next few days. keep your fingers crossed. i truly appreciate the time taken to help the chick and i have a happy ending.

Chick had been doing well but today it seems to be slowing down. Not eating and stating under the brooder plate. The attached piece still about the same size and not completely dried out still feels like a raisen.
Has it pooped at all? I was really hoping it wasn't intestines but if he's not eating or drinking that could be why. Hopefully the little guy pulls through.
Has it pooped at all? I was really hoping it wasn't intestines but if he's not eating or drinking that could be why. Hopefully the little guy pulls through.
It did look shortly after hatching but that was it. It passed away last night . Thank you for sharing your chicken wisdom with me it will make me a better chicken mom for future chicks

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