Is this chicken sick or just frightened?

Positive news šŸ™‚. After 2 days of 1mm colloidal silver twice a day plus rubbing her comb and back of her head with Neocort, this morning she was walking properly (wouldnā€™t win any races yet tho!!) and generally looked much happier. I was going to put her in a sling, but decided not to aT the moment. šŸ”
Well, that's good news! I hope she continues to improve, keep us posted on her progress:)
So happy - My chicken is practically back to normal. This video I took today after treating her as per previous post. I have now cut back to Colloidal silver to one dose a day for a few more days, then Iā€™ll have to decide whether to let her mingle with the rest. But Iā€™m afraid theyā€™ll pick on her again, so Iā€™m not quite sure what to do. Any suggestions would be gratefully received!
I love a good chicken recovery story!!! I'm glad that she's much improved & continues toward a full recovery.

As for flock integration, perhaps you could try putting her in a separate pen in the run with everyone else, with separate food, water, grit & calcium. They'll need to see her to understand that she's part of the flock. Then maybe put a buddy in with her for a bit. Supervised interaction of course & if her buddy gets too saucy, it's chicken jail.

Lots of folks here have posted thoughts & experiences with integrating new members into their flocks.

The one thing I always did was once the intro had gone smoothly, I watched & if the lead hen was being a jerk, she got removed & quarantined. Chicken attitude adjustment. After a day or so of not being able to boss anyone around, she was usually pretty well behaved & glad to be back.
Next infraction was prior time + 1 day. Interact with me but no direct flock contact. She could hear 'em but there was no asserting of dominance. After that, just the threat of chicken jail was enough to get them 'Scared Straight!'

Hope your girls come around. Your hen is beautiful, by the way!
So happy - My chicken is practically back to normal. This video I took today after treating her as per previous post. I have now cut back to Colloidal silver to one dose a day for a few more days, then Iā€™ll have to decide whether to let her mingle with the rest. But Iā€™m afraid theyā€™ll pick on her again, so Iā€™m not quite sure what to do. Any suggestions would be gratefully received!
She's doing much better!
They may pick on her, you never know. Has she been housed next to the others this whole time?
I love a good chicken recovery story!!! I'm glad that she's much improved & continues toward a full recovery.

As for flock integration, perhaps you could try putting her in a separate pen in the run with everyone else, with separate food, water, grit & calcium. They'll need to see her to understand that she's part of the flock. Then maybe put a buddy in with her for a bit. Supervised interaction of course & if her buddy gets too saucy, it's chicken jail.

Lots of folks here have posted thoughts & experiences with integrating new members into their flocks.

The one thing I always did was once the intro had gone smoothly, I watched & if the lead hen was being a jerk, she got removed & quarantined. Chicken attitude adjustment. After a day or so of not being able to boss anyone around, she was usually pretty well behaved & glad to be back.
Next infraction was prior time + 1 day. Interact with me but no direct flock contact. She could hear 'em but there was no asserting of dominance. After that, just the threat of chicken jail was enough to get them 'Scared Straight!'

Hope your girls come around. Your hen is beautiful, by the way!
Thank you! Yes I was thinking of fencing off part of their big yard (which they go outside of to free range every day). She has a buddy who sleeps with her each night so I thinking I might just put the 2 of them together in a separate pen. I like the quarantine for attitude approach šŸ˜‚

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