Is this coop big enough for 6 hens???


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 20, 2013
Hello!! Im very new to chickens
... I keep reading a lot about coop and run space but i'm still really confused. This is the coop and run me and my partner built recently. The run is 4m by 1.2 m and the coop is 1.2 by 1.2 with 3 roosting poles.

We originally were only going to get 4 chickens. 2 australorps, 1 wyandotte and a silkie....but when we went to pick them up the breeder gave me too young pullets for free.Im actually not sure what breed they are. We took them thinking we have enough space but now im not so sure.

There all getting along great! I want my birds to be happy and healthy. When they get a little older the will be let out of the run for most if not all of the day but im concerned the coop is still too small for them to sleep/roost in??

A coop can look fine when the birds are small or when nice weather allows plenty of outside time. The 4sf/bird rule-of-thumb is a good rule for the days that bad weather keeps them in the coop. Adequate room means less fights and healthier living conditions for your feathered friends.
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A coop can look fine when the birds are small or when nice weather allows plenty of outside time.  The 4sf/bird rule-of-thumb is a good rule for the days that bad weather keeps them in the coop.  Adequate room means less fights and healthier living conditions for your feathered friends.
Thanks for your reply! Yeah I keep reading the 4sft method... But then a lot of people say otherwise... It's confusing. But if I go by that I really need to extend my run and cover area so on days that they stay in there they are comfortable :)

Do you think the coop is okay? Just for roosting and laying in?
Might be ok....depends on the birds...but if they start squabbling you know it's not enough room.
They need about 10-12" (25-30cm) of roost space per bird.

Might want to put some smaller mesh over the vent at the roofline for nighttime predator protection...maybe it's there and I just can't see it in the pic?

Not sure what your location is and what kind of predators you might have there.
It looks like you should be fine. Chickens need about 12" of space to roost. They like to get pretty close to each other at night. If you're planning on letting them out of the run during their waking house I don't think it will be too small. I'm not sure where you live...if it's a cold climate with snow they will spend most of the winter in the coop so it might be a bit tight for them. If you cover your run so you don't have snow on the ground then they'll spread out a little. Cute coop!
Thanks guys
I live in Adelaide Australia. So no snow, the winters a cold but I'm more concerned about our summers... Sometimes we get 40+ degree days for 4-5 days in a row.

The roof is completely covered, I just put a piece of roofing iron on the top for the rain to slide down to the grass.

And I have three roosting poles in the coop, and if its 30cm per bird there is enough room!
Great news!! And we really don't have predators here as I'm in a suburban area... I have two cats though. Both very plastid. One couldn't care less that there here and enjoys watching them but one gets a bit to close for my comfort. So untill there big enough and used to them I have to keep a close eye.

Thanks for all your reply's!
Hey arena26, I'm an Aussie too. In the heat of summer, almost no amount of shade will make the difference if your birds don't have a dampish dustbath. Left to their own devices, freeranging, they will find a shady spot under a tree or similar where the dirt is cool and fairly damp but not wet, and spend the hottest hours in it. Otherwise, like some other people, you may have to spray them... but it's best to give them access to somewhere cool and semi-damp. Specially banties, they tend to be plumptuous (lol) and quite fluffy with less wattle and crest area to cool them down.
Hi chooks4life!

HAHA ......plumptuous!!! thats funny, because I have one silike bantam pictured in my display.... and she is um....very plump LOL. I was so worried about having her with other breeds becuse a few people told me it couldn't happen but she is the boss! havn't had any problems. If i give them treats she is first in line

As for our summer i will spray them as well as a dustbath! I didnt know about that untill now. so thanks!! I was wondering why the dig hole and role around in them.

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