Is this even possible?!?!

So the only thing about my chicken was like 2 sentences. How does this help? Oh and thanks for the tomato information
True. The point was to try to give a better understanding of GMO‘s, and try to show why it’s highly unlikely that any sort of surreptitious lab produced your girl. I’m going with the thought that you know your girls, and even if it turns out that she doesn’t live as long as your other girls, you will give her the best life you can while she gif you with her bounty. 😊
True. The point was to try to give a better understanding of GMO‘s, and try to show why it’s highly unlikely that any sort of surreptitious lab produced your girl. I’m going with the thought that you know your girls, and even if it turns out that she doesn’t live as long as your other girls, you will give her the best life you can while she gif you with her bounty. 😊
Thanks I am definitely giving her the best life possible. She is very energetic but very heat sensitive plus we are in Florida so the heat is horrible. I have blinds for shade, fans, and I give them frozen Melon.
True. The point was to try to give a better understanding of GMO‘s, and try to show why it’s highly unlikely that any sort of surreptitious lab produced your girl. I’m going with the thought that you know your girls, and even if it turns out that she doesn’t live as long as your other girls, you will give her the best life you can while she gif you with her bounty. 😊
Would this all be because she laid double eggs?
Woah. I wouldn’t worry to much OP, mine is very healthy and has laid double eggs. Not saying something could change, but shes fine as of now.
Her egg production is down to 1 with the occasional 2 a day. Which is good👍. She is still her energetic self. She did have a very dirty bum today, all the butt fluff was wet and poopy so we cleaned her and she still seems fine.
You won't believe this but I was just reading this thread as you posted!
Well she almost stopped laying for a bit but is now laying every single day! She has sometimes laid 2 eggs in a day but mostly lays only 1 per day. I hope it stays like this. Maybe the multiple eggs was just because she had recently started laying or something like that 🤔 she is healthy as can be!

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