Is this Fowl Pox???

Can you get some clearer photos?
Of both wattles and both sides of the comb.
I can try but she doesn't let me catch her. Her other wattle only has one bump and it is the same size as the ones in the photo. Her comb has several bumps near her nostrils but they are much smaller than the ones pictured.
The other girl who had similar symptoms seems to be clearing up. Her bumps were never nearly as large as the girls in the picture . Today most of the bumps have shrunk and have scabs on them.
It is strange that they seem so lined up, but it could be pox. I would see if you could remove one of those on the wattles in case they are ticks. Don't pull to hard, but if they are engorged ticks, they should come off easily. A couple of people have posted pictures before of a single bump that turned out to have been ticks. It does look like a smaller one on the comb and face. Pox usually starts as a small beige pustule, then turns brown. It can appear different in each case. Here is one case of pox below that appears similar, plus this good link that contains other pictures and treatment:


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Just wanted to give an update. This was indeed fowl pox, it worked its way through the flock over the course of the month. Only 2 of my girls got those big nasty looking nodules like my photo above. The rest of the flock got smaller, more "normal" looking scabs. The nodules dried up and fell off and everyone is acting perfectly fin now.

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