Is this gorgeous 8 week old EE pullet really a dude?

I'm way better at sexing EEs than Ameraucanas, sadly. Can you get a close-up picture of the comb, like this pic:

EE's seem to mature later then most. I had three EE's I thought for sure were Pullets and guess what nope lol. EE's seem to be tricky. One thing I did notice is the way they carried themselfs , more tall like. I had one that was 24 weeks and never crowed and didn't want to get busy with my hens either. Just late bloomer. Also the way they held their head , alert like was also something they all did as well. From photos looks alot like mine , last picture the way the head is held looks like a boy to me. None of mine grew combs either.
If you look carefully at the tail there are three or four white feathers with Red lacing. If you look very closely in the picture it looks like there are some pointy saddle feathers developing. You can barely see them so I could be wrong.
haha dont you have aa chicken called cleopatra?!?! ha i like that name to!

Yep - one of my teenage daughters named her Cleopatra because of her heavy eyeliner. The other EEs are named Pippin, after a Lord of the Rings character, and Sparrow (I guess she looked like a bird?)

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